Find the SFT holiday that suits you...

Our huge range of holidays includes everything from globetrotting tours and
adventures at sea to beach-based getaways in Europe and beyond.


Travelling on a budget

Deals start from LE2750 to LE5499 per person. Choose the package that fits your budget and preferences
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Deals start from LE550 to LE10999 per person. Choose the package that fits your budget and preferences
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Deals start from LE11000 to LE21999 per person. Choose the package that fits your budget and preferences
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Deals start from LE22000 to LE44000 per person. Choose the package that fits your budget and preferences
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Easter Holiday


Summer Holidays

مرحبًا بكم في موقعنا على الإنترنت!

نود أن نلفت انتباهكم إلى إمكانية اختيار البلد والعملة المفضلين لديكم على موقعنا الإلكتروني.
اختر البلد الذي تفضله

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